Let's get you outta here lickity split... can we get your name?
Awesome, what's your email?
And what about the best number to reach you at?
Okay, just to see if we'd be a good fit, we'll need to ask you a few questions...
How are you currently trying to generate leads for yourself?
How much is your monthly marketing budget?
We only have 2 clients (brokerage or loan officer) per state
What city and state are you in?
Are you a brokerage or a loan officer?
What is your personal production in the last year approximately?
What is the production level (loan volume) of your brokerage in the last year?
, can you be open with us? What's your biggest challenge facing you right now as someone in the mortgage industry?
When would be your ideal "start time?"
And on a scale from 1-10, how much do you want to grow?
(1 being it'd be the worst thing in the world and 10 being you'd be okay physically hurting me just to grow)
*spits on hand and extends hand forward*
If you qualify for a call, can we "shake" on you being there?